The 2021 Deans Meeting of the Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences, Udayana University has been successfully held on Monday,
November 22, 2021 at 09.00 WITA which is located in the Hall of Building B
FISIP UNUD. The 2021 Dean's Meeting of the Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences carries the theme "Aspirations as a Bridge to a More Integrity
FISIP". related to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana
University. Through this 2021 Dean's Meeting, it is hoped that it can bridge
all aspirations from FISIP students so that they can be conveyed to the Dean
and it is also hoped that input and openness from the Dean's side in accepting
every aspiration from students, where it aims to make the Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences more integrity .
The Dean's Meeting is a work program that is routinely carried out by the Student Representative Council (DPM) every year in the form of a forum or discussion room with the Dean of FISIP. The Dean's Meeting discussed crucial issues in the FISIP UNUD environment based on student aspirations. These student aspirations were obtained from filling out questionnaires by all FISIP students and consolidation with ORMAWA and consolidation of class representatives which were held on November 13-14 2021. On Monday, November 22, 2021, the series of activities of the Dean's Meeting of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was running smoothly. according to the schedule of events. The 2021 Dean's Meeting was attended by all ranks of the Dean and the Administrative Coordinator of FISIP UNUD, namely: Dekan
Dr. Drs. I Nengah Punia, M.Si, Wakil
Dekan I Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, S.Sos., M.Si, Wakil
Dekan II Dr. Pers Andreas Noak, S.H., M.Si, Wakil Dekan III Dr. I Made Anom Wiranata, S.IP.,
M.A, serta Koordinator Tata Usaha, I Ketut Wijana, S.E.