FISIP Clean Up is one of the work programs of the Community Service Department of BEM FISIP Unud which is held regularly every year. On Saturday, March 27, 2021, FISIP Clean Up Vol. 1 which is located at Biaung Beach, Denpasar. FCU Vol. This 1 takes

FISIP Clean Up is one of the work rograms of the Community Service Department of BEM FISIP Unud which is held regularly every year. On Saturday, March 27, 2021, FISIP Clean Up Vol. 1 which is located at Biaung Beach, Denpasar. FCU Vol. This 1 takes the theme "Beach Clean Up for A Better Environment". Adjustments to conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic were carried out by limiting the number of volunteers and also implementing health protocols. The committee provides a hand sanitizer and thermogun in implementing health protocols. FCU Activities Vol. This 1 was held from 07.50 WITA until finished. This activity is attended by the committee and also volunteers who will do the cleaning in the Biaung Beach area.

Open Recruitment of FISIP Clean Up volunteers is conducted before the event days. The volunteers who took part in this activity consisted of the committee, representatives of student organizations in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Unud, representatives from each study program at FISIP Unud, and representatives of BEM PM Udayana University. To avoid crowds, before the days of the activity, volunteers were divided into five groups, each of which consisted of a committee and a volunteer. The five groups are coordinated by the event sie committee. This division is also intended so that the cleaning of the coastal environment can be carried out thoroughly.

Preparation has been done carefully and in accordance with the predetermined time table. Starting from making event rundowns, pamphlets, open recruitment, certificates, as well as other preparations related to this activity have been carried out well.

For technical events on the d-day activities run smoothly. The committee is present at 06:00 WITA to prepare everything that will be carried out on that day. A volunteer arrived at 07.40 WITA. Attendance data collection, temperature measurement, and handsanitizer provision were immediately carried out by the committee on duty when the volunteers arrived. The weather conditions are favorable and the beach water is friendly when cleaning. FISIP Clean Up Event Vol. 1 with the theme "Beach Clean Up for A Better Environment" was successfully implemented by all committees and parties who have assisted in the implementation of the activity.