Fun Caring Blood Donation, a Form of Concern and Solidarity for Public Administration Students at FISIP Udayana University

(Saturday, 25/11/2023) A blood donation activity was held by the Public Administration Student Association (HIMA AP) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Udayana University with the theme “Apti Padmana Prasami”. This activity is one of the forms of community service performed by students in accordance with the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. This activity also aims to increase the sense of care and solidarity between students and the community, especially in terms of health and humanity.

This blood donation activity was held in Classroom 2.4, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sudirman Campus, Udayana University, starting from 09.00 WITA until 12.00 WITA. This activity collaborated with the Blood Transfusion Unit of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Bali Province, which provided medical personnel, equipment, and materials needed for the blood donation process. The participants of this blood donation activity were students of the Public Administration Department of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Udayana University, as well as the general public who were interested in donating their blood. The number of participants who registered was 27 people, but after going through a health screening process, only 17 people met the requirements to donate their blood. Participants who did not meet the requirements included those who had abnormal blood pressure, low body weight, or had a history of certain diseases.

The blood donation process went smoothly and orderly. Each participant who was going to donate their blood had to fill out a registration form and undergo a health check first. After that, the participants will be guided by medical staff to the blood donation site. After finishing donating blood, the participants will receive a blood donor certificate, snack, and drink. Participants are also advised to rest for a while and consume nutritious food to restore their body condition.

The result of this blood donation activity was the collection of 17 blood bags that will be donated to the PMI of Bali Province to help meet the blood needs in the Bali region. This blood donation activity also provided an opportunity for participants to know their blood type and health status.

This activity ended with a thank you from the PMI of Bali Province to HIMA AP Udayana by giving certificates and souvenirs. From HIMA AP, they also thanked all parties who had supported and participated in this activity, and closed with the submission of certificates to the UTD PMI of Bali Province. The committee also hoped that this blood donation activity could be an example for other students and communities to participate in humanitarian activities that benefit others. The committee also hoped that this blood donation activity could be regular and sustainable in the future.