Sunday, March 23, 2025 – The “2025 Jegeg Bagus Communication Science Grand Final” has been implemented as a forum for Communication Science students’ interests and talents in showing their skills in the pageant world. The event, which was held at the FISIP Sudirman Campus Hall, Udayana University at 18.00 WITA, became a forum for students to develop and build their personal branding and show their innovations for the face of Communication Science for the next year. The Jegeg Bagus Communication Science Grand Final is the peak of the implementation of Jegeg Bagus Communication Science, which previously included a series of Selection Stage 1 and Selection Stage 2 of Jegeg Bagus Communication Science.

"I see so many changes that have occurred from previous years, so I express my deepest gratitude to my fellow finalists who have survived until the Grand Final today," said Ni Komang Ayu Tri Kusuma Dewi as Chair of the Communication Science Student Association, Udayana University in 2025, who gave a speech to the attendees of the Jegeg Bagus Communication Science Grand Final in 2025. Not only that, Mrs. I Dewa Ayu Sugiarica Joni, S.Sos., MA, as the Coordinator of the Communication Science Study Program at Udayana University also gave an extraordinary speech to the attendees who had enlivened the Jegeg Bagus Communication Science Grand Final in 2025. "As a representative of the Communication Science study program, who will later represent the Communication Science study program in a bigger event, namely Jegeg Bagus FISIP, which of course we all hope that Jegeg Bagus FISIP, which will hopefully be represented by Jegeg Bagus Communication Science, can also take part in a higher event, namely Jegeg Bagus Udayana," said Mrs. In her speech, Ida gave her support to the finalists who had gone through the entire series of activities for the 2025 Jegeg Bagus Communication Science.

Attended by an extraordinary and accomplished jury, it certainly makes the 2025 Jegeg Bagus Communication Science Grand Final event even more competitive, so that the finalists try to show their best appearance and performance to captivate the jury. The jury members who also enlivened the event at the 2025 Jegeg Bagus Communication Science Grand Final were; Mrs. Dr. Ni Nyoman Dewi Pascarani, S.S., M.Si (Lecturer in Communication Science), Ni Wayan Anggita Sekar Ayu Saputra (Jegeg Communication Science Class of 2024), I Gusti Bagus Arya Utama Pinatih (Good Communication Science Class of 2024), Putu Diva Ananda Putri Pramudya (Active Communication Science student class of 2023), and Nadya Rudolf Hoorn (Active Communication Science student class of 2023).

Not only the jury members who enlivened the event, but the Grand Final of Jegeg Bagus Communication Science 2025 was also attended enthusiastically by Communication Science students from the 2022, 2023, and 2024 intakes. And enlivened by other active FISIP students who can't wait to see the winner of Jegeg Bagus Communication Science 2025.

1. Winner of Jegeg Bagus Communication Science 2025;
- Jegeg Rosalia Rambu Savannah Maria,
- Bagus Anak Agung Gede Sembah Ning Hanata
2. Runner Up I Jegeg Bagus Communication Science 2025;
- Jegeg Kadek Dinda Amela Putri Darma
- Bagus Rowentino Alfonsius Sinaga
3. Runner Up II Jegeg Bagus Communication Science 2025
- Jegeg Ni Putu Dewi Tresna Adnya Sari
- Bagus Ketut Gadya Naradeya

"Jegeg Bagus's hope for Communication Science next year, hopefully it can be even better and continue to inspire" - Jegeg Anggi Communication Science 2024

"For the Jegeg Bagus Communication Science 2025 generation to continue to contribute, make achievements, and not only achievements but also provide a positive impact on the study program, faculty, and of course the island of Bali" - Bagus Arya Communication Science 2024

Thus Jegeg Bagus Communication Science can be a place for Communication Science students to show their interests and skills for better Communication, Innovation and Aspiration. And ready to spread its wings to participate in the next event, namely Jegeg Bagus Faculty of Social and Political Sciences which will be held in July.