"Lagas, Unud Communication Science Study Program Student Team Wins 1st Place in Wildlife Journalism Competition"
The Lagas Team from the Udayana University Communication Studies Program succeeded in making a brilliant achievement by winning first place in the "Wildlife Journalism Competition" organized by Padjadjaran University. Their documentary video work succeeded in outperforming a number of participants from various universities in Indonesia.
The champion coronation night took place on Thursday, November 28, at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University. This event is a prestigious competition that combines the art of journalism with the message of preserving the environment and wildlife.
Starting from concerns about the state of animals and the environment in Bali, it inspired students to turn this situation into a documentary film that could reach the wider community. The worrying condition of Bali's environment, especially the sea, which is where marine life lives, cannot be ignored. Various concrete steps are needed to help overcome this problem, therefore Communication Science students contribute through creative media as an implementation of the knowledge gained in lectures.
Not stopping with this competition, the documentary film "Cerita di Balik Tempurung" which was initiated by Communication Science students also continues to be used as educational media by being shown at several events to reach a wider public, so that the message of the film can be conveyed and provide greater change. good for the environment and animals.
This success is proof of the young generation's ability to bring conservation issues to the surface through creative media. It is hoped that the achievements of the Lagas Team from the Udayana University Communication Science Study Program can be an inspiration for other students to continue to innovate and contribute to voicing concern for the environment and animals.