Student of Communication Sciences Class of 2023 Achieves Achievement as Runner Up III in Teruni in the 202 Teruni Denpasar Youth Selection Event
Denpasar, 21 February 2025. Having additional achievements outside the academic field is a source of pride and proof of excellence for students and their institutions. In this case, a student from the FISIP Communication Science Study Program Class of 2023 at Udayana University, Ni Wayan Anggita Sekar Ayu Saputra, often called Anggi, succeeded in achieving Runner Up III in the 2025 Denpasar Teruna Teruna Selection competition. As we know, the Denpasar Teruni Teruna contest is a prestigious event for selecting the first Balinese young men and women, which is recognized nationally by the Bali Tourism Ambassador Association.
In the 2025 Teruni Denpasar Youth Election, Anggi succeeded in showing her talent and abilities, by qualifying as one of the champions, out of 123 registrants, through a tight competitive selection.
“Many people say that everything that begins must end. However, I have high hopes that through this achievement, which I started with full determination, it will lead me to many new challenges and opportunities. So my initial goal of building relationships and broadening my views doesn't just stop here. "Apart from that, we hope that this trip can encourage the enthusiasm of all young people to create proud moments for themselves and those around them," said Anggi.
The 2025 Denpasar Teruna Teruna Selection event was held with great fanfare at the Cultural Center, Dharma Negara Alaya Building, Denpasar, Bali. Anggi succeeded in being part of the 10 best finalists, by successfully shifting the positions of other participants, from the administrative selection process to selecting the 2025 champion finalists. It is hoped that the selection event for young men and women will be a motivation to further improve the achievements, talents, leadership spirit, intelligence, cultural attitudes and potential of the proud young people of Bali. From what sister Anggi has obtained, it is hoped that it can also provide inspiration and enthusiasm for other students on the campus of Udayana University, Bali.