Wins Award, Fisip Unud Committed to Improve Service
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisip) of Udayana University (Unud) has achieved an achievement as the faculty with the most news intensity in Udayana University. The award was given by the Spokesperson for Unud at the closing of the News Publication Preparation Workshop held at the Sanur Prime Plaza Hotel, 21-22 December 2021.
This form of appreciation is the commitment of Unud's efforts in bringing educational institutions closer to the community through the media. On this occasion, there were also representatives of print and online media who became Unud's strategic partners.
This award was received by Fisip Unud, represented by Eva Nila Sofitri and Gede Indra Pramana, as coordinators of the Information and Cooperation Unit of Fisip Unud. In the future, Fisip Unud is committed to improving the quality and service as a state education institution that organizes the tri dharma of higher education, especially in the social and political fields.