“ Personal Branding : Know More About Yourself “

Denpasar, Saturday, June 4, 2022, the Communication Science Student Association of Udayana University held a webinar for student character development training through zoom meetings, with the theme "Personal Branding: Know More About Yourself". By presenting a speaker, namely Mr. Endar Soe who is the marketing manager of Fly Bali Heli. In the seminar which was opened directly by the Coordinator of the Communication Studies Program, Mrs. I Dewa Ayu Sugiarica Joni, S.Sos., M.A, Mr. Endar Soe explained a lot about the important role of building personal branding, especially in the world of work in the future. According to him, there are several aspects that support a person's personal branding, one of which is attitude. In addition, he also added that the social environment and family also play a role in building one's personal branding. Apart from delivering material. This webinar was attended by Udayana Communication Science Students. So many of them asked questions about the topics discussed this morning.