Communication Events is one of the annual programs of the Udayana University Communication Studies Student Association (HIMANIKA). This year, the COMMET National Seminar (Communication Events) carries the theme "Modern World: A Creative Entrepreneurship To The Digital Marketing Society. The hope is that later it can broaden all of us, especially young people, to be able to explore themselves in the world of digital marketing. Communication Events Activities This year it lasted for approximately 4 months starting from the open recruitment of the committee, the implementation of the roadshow for the news presenter competition and the public relations competition, until the peak day was closed with a very extraordinary event, namely the National Seminar.
Exactly on August 5-6 2023 yesterday was the final of the News Presenter and Public Relations competition. This year, the competition has a theme which of course is still related to the big theme of this year's Communication Events. The theme raised is "A Journey to Explore The World of Digital Marketing." The extraordinary enthusiasm of the participants in this year's competition exceeded the expectations of the organizers. The final 5 in the public relations competition category took place online through a zoom meeting, which was attended by 5 teams of participants spread across several regions in Indonesia, the committee, and the three judges who are of course very experienced in the world of PR. The top 5 finalists in this PR competition, presented materials that had been designed beforehand, then were assessed directly by the jury. After that, 3 teams won, including 1st place from the Highlight Me Team - Padjadjaran University, 2nd place from the Pecel Purnama Team - Surabaya State University and 3rd place from the Mau Pass Team - UPN Veteran East Java.
Unlike the Public Relations competition, the News Presenter competition was held offline which was located in the Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences Building, the Sudirman-Denpasar campus. The top 5 finalists will complete the next challenge to win the top 3 positions. On D-Day the finalists will draw a news script which will be delivered and judged directly by 3 great judges and of course experienced in the world of News Presenters so that the 3 best people as champions and 1 person as the favorite winner include 1st place won by Putu Ayu Githa Adnyani Putri from SMKN 1 Mas Ubud, 2nd place was won by Ni Luh Putu Ceni Anggreni from Udayana University, 3rd place was won by I Gusti Ayu Chintya Pradnyadewi from the General participants and Favorite winner was won by Ni Made Lifia Kristina from Udayana University.
After the race event ended successfully. Exactly, 19 August 2023 was the peak of the 2023 Communication Events. The highlight of the event was filled with a National Seminar which presented 3 speakers who certainly have a lot of experience in the world of digital marketing. The first speaker was Barlie Ve (Founder of 5758 Creative Lab), the second speaker was Fadil Aditya (Digital Marketer & Founder of Kampus Marketing) and the third speaker was Metta Puspita (Founder Orlena Lycious). The National Seminar was also attended by the Coordinator of the Communication Studies Program at Udayana University, Ms. I Dewa Ayu Sugiarica Joni, S.Sos., MA who also opened the National Seminar.
Official Communication Events 2023 by hitting the gong 3 times. Apart from Mrs. Ida Joni, there were also several lecturers in the Udayana Communication Sciences environment, also attended by media colleagues, such as Media RRI Denpasar, Media Radar Bali, as well as the ranks of students from Udayana University who participated in watching the National Seminar this time.
"This activity is to open up new insights for participants related to the digital world. Especially for now there is a phenomenon of the younger generation who have started working in the business world besides running lectures. So with the presence of 3 speakers on the day there are from agencies, advertising and entrepreneurs I think can add a lot of new insights to students who are present today." Said Mrs. Ida Joni in her speech, Saturday (19/8/23).
The Talk Show session was very inspiring guided by 2 beautiful moderators. Lots of experiences were conveyed by today's speaker starting from his journey to where he is now, tips and tricks for creating interesting content and initial strategies that must be had in the world of digital marketing. Bringing interesting material certainly sparked the enthusiasm of the participants to ask questions, especially as the questioner would get a free voucher from the committee and a free E-book from one of the speakers, namely Fadil Aditya.
As closing statements from the three speakers, Metta Puspita revealed, "Just focus on yourself first, start building personal branding and without realizing it, we have arrived at the feeds we want." Saturday (19/8/23).
Continuing what was conveyed by Metta, Barlie Ve also revealed, "never feel small even though you are not from a big city and don't give up while you are still young." Saturday (19/8/23).
No less interesting, Fadil Aditya also expressed, "let's do 3 M (mental, mentor and just start) and do everything with faith and a smile" Saturday (19/8/23).
Hopefully with this Communication Events activity, it can always provide a lot of insight to more people, especially the younger generation, and every year we are able to present speakers who are no less interesting than before.