FISIP Udayana University Accepts Denpasar Golden Child Elementary School Students in Moving Class Program

Denpasar, February 25, 2025 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of Udayana University recently welcomed students from SD Anak Emas Denpasar in a series of "Moving Class" programs. This program is an implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5), where this program is part of the Merdeka Curriculum content.

The "Moving Class" program aims to provide students with an out-of-class learning experience, to introduce them to social dynamics with diversity. In addition, this program also aims to build children's sensitivity to various social issues and introduce them to various professions in society.

On that occasion, students of SD Anak Emas were given various interesting materials. The activity began with an introduction to the FISIP campus of Udayana University, where they were invited to get to know the world of lectures better. Furthermore, they received material on multiculturalism which emphasized the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity of cultures, religions, and tribes in Indonesia.

Not only that, on this occasion, students were also given knowledge about digital literacy. Given the Alpha generation that is very close to technology, it is important for them to have an understanding of how to use technology wisely and appropriately. This digital literacy material is expected to equip them with the skills needed in the increasingly developing digital era.

The "Moving Class" activity received a warm welcome from the deans and also several lecturers of FISIP Udayana University. They hope that this program can continue and provide a positive impact on the development of children, both in terms of knowledge and their social attitudes in the future.

By involving children in learning activities outside the classroom, it is hoped that they can be more open to diversity, and have a better understanding of the world around them. Programs like this are certainly in line with the great goal of national education, namely to form a generation that is intelligent, has character, and is able to adapt to changing times.