International Relations Study Visit 2023 of Udayana University

The International Relations Student Association through the Scientific Division and Student Resource Development (KPSDM) has successfully held an International Relations Study Visit 2023 of Udayana University on 23-26 May 2023 in Jakarta. Carrying out the big theme "IR Udayana 2023's Stepping Stone: Know More About Diplomacy" has been carried out by visiting 11 formal places which include:


1. Embassy of Spain

2. United Nations Resident Coordinator in Indonesia

3. Embassy of Denmark

4. Embassy of Sweden

5. Embassy of Finland

6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

7. Embassy of Hungary

8. Embassy of Italy

9. Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands

10. Embassy of Sri Lanka

11. The U.S. Jakarta Embassy


It is hoped that the implementation of this year's Study Visit can add to the insights and understanding of International Relations students regarding the world of work after graduating from International Relations and of course enrich students' insights on current issues. We would like to thank all those who have supported the implementation of the Study Visit work program this year and see you again next year.