Strengthening Bonds for Organizational Sustainability - Student Association Udayana University Public Administration Collaborates Again with the Association National Education University Public Administration Students on Visitation 2024

Saturday, (6/7/2024). The Udayana University Public Administration Student Association is holding VISITASI 2024 activities in collaboration with the National Education University (Undiknas) Public Administration Study Program Student Association. Located in the FISIP Building, Sudirman Campus, Udayana University, this activity was held offline. This year, the theme is Karsa Asa Sama: Determination to Strengthen Togetherness and the Spirit of Sharing, Be it from Knowledge, Learning, Organization, to Committees between Fellow Public Administration Students through the 2024 Visitation. This activity aims to increase insight into organizations , building relationships, creating synergy and harmony, as well as sharing information between the Udayana University Public Administration Student Association and the National Education University Public Administration Study Program Student Association.

This activity began with a report from the Chair of the Committee by Ni Nyoman Setyawati Tangkas. Next was a speech from the Chair of the Udayana University Public Administration Student Association, Gabriel Naibaho. Followed by remarks from the Chair of the Undiknas Public Administration Study Program Student Association, Made Kalpika Pradnyaswari. Until the speech was delivered by the Coordinator of the Public Administration Study Program, Mr. I Putu Dharmanu Yudartha, S.Sos., M.PA as well as officially opening the event.

Based on the theme taken, namely Karsa Asa Sama: Determination to Strengthen Togetherness and the Spirit of Sharing, Be it from Knowledge, Learning, Organization, to Committees between Fellow Public Administration Students through the 2024 Visitation, the two Associations introduced each other to the Association Cabinet and their respective work programs -each from the Udayana University Public Administration Student Association and the Undiknas Public Administration Study Program Student Association. Both parties seemed enthusiastic about introducing the vision, mission and work programs of all departments through the presentations delivered. The next agenda is a sharing session or FGD between related departments which has been previously agreed upon. The sharing session activity went well, each functionary was active and enthusiastic in exchanging ideas and sharing testimonies to find out the performance of each department in order to obtain information and improve the performance of their respective associations.

After carrying out sharing session activities, the event was enlivened with a games session between the Udayana University Public Administration Student Association and the Undiknas Public Administration Study Program Student Association. The game was full of joy, laughter and enthusiasm colored the atmosphere at that time because of the enthusiasm and activeness of the two functionaries of each association. At the end of the 2024 VISITATION event, the two Associations conveyed messages and impressions regarding the continuation of the event. Followed by the handing over of food hampers and certificates to the Undiknas Public Administration Study Program Student Association which were handed over directly by the Chair of the Udayana University Public Administration Student Association accompanied by the Chair of the Committee. Then it ended with a fun meeting session and creating various kinds of video content to capture shared moments between groups. It is hoped that this activity can increase synergy and establish cooperation over a long and sustainable period.