Talking about the Role and Position of Students in the Digital World: Personal Data, Important Digital Assets and Their Protection
Denpasar, 7th March 2022 – The Udayana
University Communication Studies Program held an online class with the theme
“Personal Data, Important Digital Assets & Their Protection” online via
Webex. This online class invites Guest
Lecturer, Dr. Firman Kurniawan as
Observer of Digital Culture and Communication at the University of Indonesia
and guided by I Dewa Ayu Sugiarica Joni, MA.
Who is a lecturer in Communication Studies as well as the Coordinator of
the Communication Studies Program at UdayanaUniversity.
This theme was
raised as a response to the reality of the increasingly rapid development of
the digital world, especially as an adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic,
which made most activities required to use digital devices. Therefore, the
existence of information becomes a necessity.
With the massive amount of information, various information can be
obtained quickly and it is necessary to pay attention to the security of
personal data with the threats that follow.
According to Dr. Firman Kurniawan
that we need to pay attention to the privacy aspect in digital data and address
the current problem, namely that our personal data is used by individuals for
sale and will later cause various other further problems.
This activity was
attended by 60 students of Communication Studies class 2019 as participants,
which aims to emphasize the importance of data security by discussing the
potential risks in processing personal data.
In addition, students as youth are the primary subsets of technology
that are strategically positioned as data sources, namely the group of young
intellectuals who produce data. If it is not noticed, it will lead to bias and
discrimination against the subject of personal data. Students are required to be able to maintain
personal data and it is not easy to provide personal information such as,
personal data on ID cards, and others to certain people, including social media
passwords. Therefore, Dr. Firman Kurniawan points out that the knowledge of
data and digital in every person becomes more critical in the use and response
to things in the digital world.
-The End-