Beach Clean Up as a Form of Concern for the Environment Organized by the Communication Science Student Association and Communication Studies Program FISIP Udayana University
The Communication Science Student Association (HIMANIKA) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University which is supported by the Communication Studies Program FISIP, Udayana University carries out a routine work program called Communication Care as a form of social action to the community and the environment. One of the activities is a beach clean up. This is the second time that HIMANIKA has implemented the Communication Care work program.
The beach cleaning activity took place at 07.45 WITA at the German Beach, Badung, Kuta, Bali. More than 30 students of the Communication Studies Program were involved in the action. In its implementation, the beach clean up was also attended directly by the Coordinator of the Communication Studies Program, namely Ibu I Dewa Ayu Sugiarica Joni, S.Sos., MA. In his remarks on the beach clean up program, he said that it is important for us as the next generation to protect the natural environment, not only by cleaning the beach from plastic or non-organic waste, but the most important thing is how this beach cleaning action can motivate and spread positive energy for people around us to realize how important it is to take good care of the environment and nature.
To note, this activity is aimed at reducing plastic waste that is scattered at several points on the German coast which can damage nature and habitats around the coast. In addition, through this activity, the chairman of HIMANIKA Udayana University hopes that the community, especially the younger generation, can be more concerned about the surrounding environment. "If not us? Who else is taking care of our environment,” said Adrian.
This is the main concern of HIMANIKA in carrying out its various actions. HIMANIKA is also committed to carrying out beach clean-up actions and other social actions on a regular and continuous basis in realizing the Tri Dharma of higher education.